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A breakthrough technology for latent fingerprint development



Lumicyano allows, with a one-step process, the revelation of fluorescent fingerprints in standard fuming chambers. It removes the post-processing stage of dyeing or dusting with powder : fingerprints are fluorescent immediately.


For numerous forensic forces using Lumicyano throughout the world, this technology is highly time saving and allows an increased efficiency. Indeed, traditionally used latent prints development protocols (fuming + dyeing) need upto 48 hours and alter irremediably DNA. With Lumicyano, forensic experts can develop latent prints in less than 30 minutes, while maintaining DNA sampling possible thus allowing rapid double identifications (papillary then biological) on a single print.

  • Fuming & Fluorescent dye-staining in one step in less than 30 minutes


  • Level 3 ridge details


  • DNA sampling compatible


  • Operates in all fuming chambers


  • Can be used directly at crime scene

Technical note

The Lumicyano process requires the combined use of Lumicyano Powder and Lumicyano Solution.

Lumicyano has been especially designed to show fingerprints with a stronger brightness and to develop high level detailed fingerprints under optimal conditions. There is also a minimized risk to over glueing ; this provides better results than classical cyanoacrylate, post-treatment dyes or powders.

Lumicyano can be used instead of classical cyanoacrylate in fingerprint development sequence. It is therefore fully compatible with post-treatments using dying agents (such as BY40 or rhodamine) and dactyloscopic powders.


In such a case, thanks to the structure and the quality of the Lumicyano polymerization, the overall results have a much better quality than results obtained using a classical cyanoacrylate to start the development sequence.

The range of products

Lumicyano is available in the following conditioning:


Lumicyano Complete Kit 

Powder + Solution  LK5-100    

Lumicyano Complete Kit  - Powder + Solution

LK5-100        Kit Lumicyano - 5 g Powder + 100 g Solution (5x20g)

LK1-20          Kit Lumicyano - 1 g Powder +   20 g Solution


Lumicyano Powder

LP5                Lumicyano Powder – 1 Bottle 5 g


Lumicyano Solution

LS200            Lumicyano Solution – 10 Bottles x 20 g


Lumicyano Sample Kit 

LKSAMP         Kit Lumicyano - 0.5 g Powder + 10 g Solution

The recommended concentration of the Lumicyano powder in the Lumicyano solution is 5 to 8% (8 % for stronger fluorescence). The use of the 5 g of Lumicyano powder (LP5) needs therefore 5 bottles of the Lumicyano Solution 20g.

One Lumicyano kit LK5-100 allows:

      up to 37 cycles in a 650 liter  (23 cub.ft) fuming chamber

      up to 125 cycles in a 170 liter  (6 cub.ft) fuming chamber



One Lumicyano kit LK1-20 allows:

      up to 7 cycles in a 650 liter  (23 cub.ft) fuming chamber

      up to 25 cycles in a 170 liter  (6 cub.ft) fuming chamber

Ideal Evidence Substrates

Lumicyano allows development of fingerprints on various kind of substrates


  • Non-porous :     plastic, metal, glass, adhesive surfaces (on both sides)…

  • Semi-porous :   some matt and  glossy papers…


Lumicyano is compatible with all standard fuming chambers, without modification, according the hotplate can reach 120°C / 250°F


1. Place the proper amount of Lumicyano Powder into a new foil dish then disperse the powder evenly to avoid clustering. It is possible to get chunks of Lumicyano Powder in the vial. This arises from its crystalline structure and potential traces of moisture entering the vial while using it or even during the bottling. You may just break these chunks with a clean and dry metallic spatula by scratching the powder. This phenomenon does not affect the efficiency of the product. Close immedi-ately the vial after use to avoid any potential humidity absorption.


2. Add directly Lumicyano Solution (see further for recommended dosage) into the foil dish. Lumicyano Powder is dis- solved instantly with the Lumicyano Solution. Gently move the liquid around the foil dish until you homogenize the mix- ture and it becomes an evenly mixed fluid.


IMPORTANT: Lumicyano Powder must be dissolved only with Lumicyano Solution


3. Place the prepared foil dish with its mixture onto the hotplate. Raise hygrometry until 70/80%. Higher hygrometry may lead to overglueing. Then raise gradually the hotplate temperature to reach 1200C/250°F. Fume completely the mixture until none remains left in the foil dish.


Recommendations : 

  • Windows of fuming chamber should be cleaned of old residues. Old cyanoacrylaye residues will attract Lumicyano fluorescence.

  • Hot plate must reach gradually 120°C/250°F . Slow heating up curve recommended (120°C in about 5-10mins) 

  • Humidity level range MUST be between 70% and 80% - 80% is the standard value recommended

Dosage & Timing

Dosage and timing depends on the nature and number of exhibits in the fuming chamber, and the volume to fumigate. Lumicyano minimizes the risk to overglue the latent marks.


The following recommended measures are an average to achieve the optimal results when considering average casework loads and police station equipment.


The ideal concentration of the Lumicyano Powder into the Lumicyano Solution is about 5%. If needed, 8% concentration will give you stronger fluorescence.


If you don’t have a scale that can weigh milligrams, you can dose the products as follow :


• Lumicyano Powder : one full scoop (supplied) = 40 mg


• Lumicyano Solution : 33 drops = 1 gram

Adjust concentration of the Powder according to your cabinet and light source. 5% concentration is standard. You can go up to 8% concentration. The fluorescence will be even stronger.

Examine & Photography

In order to observe optimal brightness of the fluorescence, examination and photography are recommended to take place as soon as possible after the fuming cycle has been completed. Ideally, developed prints must be photographed within 24 hours.


Latent prints that have been developed must not be exposed to direct sunlight and/or high temperature environment for any long periods of time. If the developed prints are packaged in a reasonably light proof container in a fresh environment, the ridge details will still fluoresce for around 1 week following the fuming process. If required, the fluorescence can be refreshed at a later date without any loss of detail by refuming with Lumicyano.


To photograph the yellow fluorescent prints (560 nm), try the main different wavelengths and change the angle of the light source to achieve optimal results. Coloured band-pass filters are recommended to intensify the effect to obtain the best contrast.


You must consider the nature of material being fumed (metal, plastic, glass, semi-porous....) and the background noise (i.e. highly reflective, white, multicolored...) to select the best combinations.


Latent prints that have been developed must not be exposed to direct sunlight and/or high temperature environment for any long periods of time. Developed prints must be photographed within 24 hours.


If the developed prints are packaged in a reasonably light proof container in a fresh environment, the ridge details will still fluoresce for around 1 week following the fuming process. If required, the fluorescence can be refreshed at a later date without any loss of detail by refuming with Lumicyano.

Light sources

Lumicyano fluorescence is obtained under the following conditions:


  • UVa 325nm 1

  • Forensic light 510nm +/- 20nm (Blue/Green aka Cyan) 

  • Blue Laser 460nm - Green Laser 532 nm




Storage & Shelflife

Lumicyano Powder Shelf-Life: one year

Keep Lumicyano Powder out of the sunlight and store in a dark dry place, at ambient and constant temperature to prevent moisture building up inside of the bottle. Ideally store in a drying cabinet, it will last for about 1 year. Do not store in a fridge.


Out of date or badly stored Lumicyano Powder will turn to big brownish chunks. If you try to use Lumicyano Powder™ in this state, it may not mix properly with Lumicyano Solution™ by solidifying or forming small blocks. If so, it may generates residues in the foil dish and not fume properly.


Lumicyano Solution Shelf-life: one year

Keep Lumicyano Solution out of the sunlight and store in a dark dry place, at ambient and constant temperature. It is recommended to avoid moisture to building up inside the bottle.


Lot number and expiration dates are indicated on each bottle.

Health & Safety

The evaporation process for Lumicyano™ is the same as for liquid super glue which is classified as irritant product :

• Irritating to eyes, to respiratory system - Bonds skins and eyes in seconds - Keep out of reach of children - Do not breathe gas, fumes, vapor or spray
In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water and seek medical advice

• Ensure good ventilation of working area - Store in a cool, dry and dark place - 

As with all chemicals, always read the material safety data sheet to learn about the safe handling and health hazards of each chemical.

When examining the evidence with a light source, we recommend that users wear protective goggles (EN 160 & EN 170) and gloves.

IMPORTANT : In order to achieve satisfying results, key steps in the operating procedure

                         must be strictly adhered 


  • Adequate quantity of Solution to fume depends on the volume of the cabinet

  • Dissolving the Powder into Solution @5% ratio. Choose up to 8% for stronder fluoresence

  • Temperature of hot plate must gradually reach 120°C/250°F. Do not preheat the plate.

  • Humidity in the cabinet must be 75-80%

  • Use the right forensic light source : 325nm / 470-530nm


Follow strictly the procedure and you will develop latent marks with great results

945 McKinney Unit #10664

Houston, TX 77002 USA

(936) 277-1664

214 Kimpton Dr,

Ottawa, ON, Canada

(343) 998 - 6019

PVI Forensics is a division of Pioneers Vision International. Copyright @ 2020 PVI Forensics

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